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ClearCorrect – Rowley, MA

Clear Solutions to Straighter Smiles and Better Bites

Woman with brown, curly hair holding ClearCorrect aligner

If you’re an adult who suffers from a smile that’s crooked or misaligned, it may feel like you’ve missed the boat on ever achieving a lovelier look. There’s always traditional metal orthodontics, of course, but what about the professional and social life you’ve worked so hard to build over the years? You don’t deserve to have to suffer through years of clunky braces that make you feel like you’re back in middle school. What are your options, then? Thankfully, Dr. St. Clair has the solution – ClearCorrect! As its name suggests, ClearCorrect can help you achieve a perfectly straight smile in a nearly invisible fashion. Learn more about ClearCorrect at our Rowley, MA dental office by contacting our team or reading on.

Why Choose J. Peter St. Clair, DMD for ClearCorrect?

  • Careful Treatment Planning with Advanced Technology
  • Dentist with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Down-to-Earth Care

Who Is a Good Candidate for ClearCorrect?

Woman with blond hair smiling while holding ClearCorrect aligner

Most common orthodontic problems that adults and teenagers experience can be treated with ClearCorrect, whether that means a minor straightening of your teeth or an extensive correction of your bite. ClearCorrect is usually prescribed for the following issues:

  • Crooked or overly crowded teeth
  • Sizable gaps in your smile
  • Overbites, underbites, and crossbites

Fortunately, clear aligners can be a part of almost any treatment plan, so don’t hesitate to ask if they’re right for you.

The ClearCorrect Process

Rowley dentist holding ClearCorrect aligner with blue gloves

ClearCorrect relies on a series of clear, plastic aligners that are carefully customized to fit your unique smile. Each one represents a different stage of your treatment as your teeth slowly move into their ideal alignment; all you have to do is wear each one for a predetermined period of time before switching to the next aligner in the set. Attending brief, regular checkups with Dr. St. Clair is also important so he can check your progress and confirm that everything is proceeding smoothly.

What Are The Benefits of ClearCorrect?

Closeup of woman with glasses smiling in her apartment

ClearCorrect boasts many benefits over traditional metal braces, including:

  • Virtually undetectable aligners – The see-through removable aligners that you wear during ClearCorrect treatment will give you a clear view of your smile as it changes.
  • Less treatment time – Most ClearCorrect cases will take roughly a year to complete (as opposed to the two or three years that braces often require) with periodic appointments so that we can check your progress.
  • Comfortable trays – Most patients also find ClearCorrect to be far more comfortable to wear than metal braces, and they won’t get in the way when you’re trying to brush and floss your teeth.
  • No dietary restrictions or special oral hygiene routines – They’re also removable, meaning you won’t have to make any annoying changes to your diet or oral hygiene routine in order to accommodate them; instead, just take them out!

Contact the Rowley dental office of Dr. St. Clair today if you have any questions about ClearCorrect treatment or you’re ready to go ahead and schedule an appointment. Our team can’t wait to give you and your loved ones new reasons to smile. We also welcome new patients from the areas of Amesbury, Essex, Middleton, Boxford, and beyond.

ClearCorrect FAQs

Closeup of woman placing top aligners in her mouth

Do you have a few lingering questions about ClearCorrect that you’d like answered before scheduling a consultation? Good news: you’re in the right place! First, you’re more than welcome to give our Rowley dental team a call directly for answers on appointment times, financial solutions, and the like. However, you can also learn more about this discreet orthodontic treatment by reading on.

Can You Get ClearCorrect After Braces?

It may be an option! Ultimately, this is a great question to ask during your consultation. Although more moderate to severe cases of malocclusion may necessitate traditional braces, some patients are candidates for “hybrid treatment.” In this case, your teeth-straightening journey would begin with brackets and wires and end with virtually undetectable trays. If this sounds like something you’re interested in, don’t hesitate to see if you’re a candidate at your appointment.

Does ClearCorrect Hurt?

All orthodontic treatments, including ClearCorrect, put pressure on your teeth in order to fix overcrowding, gaps, and the like. For this reason, you can expect to experience some soreness, particularly after transitioning to a new set of trays. With that said, there are several steps you can take to alleviate and even prevent this discomfort, including taking an OTC pain reliever and moving onto your next aligners at night (ideally right before bed).

Can You Eat with ClearCorrect?

Since there aren’t any dietary restrictions, you can enjoy a well-balanced and varied diet throughout your entire time with ClearCorrect! Since what you eat impacts the condition of your teeth and gums, however, we do recommend keeping your consumption of added sugar to a minimum. Additionally, we encourage our patients to fill their plates with fruits, vegetables, and other foods that are packed with essential vitamins and nutrients.

What Happens After ClearCorrect?

ClearCorrect will give you the beautiful results you’ve been looking for. To maintain those results, however, you need to wear a retainer. If you don’t, then it won’t be long before your teeth begin to drift out of position. This phenomenon is known as “orthodontic relapse,” and it happens to upwards of 50% of patients. The good news is that retainers today are more comfortable and discreet than ever before, making the task of wearing them consistently significantly easier.

Does ClearCorrect Give You a Lisp?

Since your tongue presses against the back of your teeth to create sound, it’s not surprising that patients are concerned that their trays will give them a lisp. Fortunately, the overwhelming majority of patients don’t experience any changes to their speech at all! If your words sound slightly different than usual, you can have peace of mind knowing that it’s temporary. Plus, you can speed up the adjustment period with lots of practice, so try reading a book, magazine, or article out loud.

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Ready to Get Started?

We accept 15 new patients per month into our dental office near Newbury . This limit allows us to maintain the level of service we feel best serves our patients. We look forward to meeting you, establishing a lasting professional relationship, and providing quality dental care – from preventive to sedation dentistry – to improve and maintain your health.

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