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How to Keep Your Toothbrush Clean

July 15, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — jpeterstclair @ 8:03 pm

Did you know that keeping your toothbrush clean is just as important as keeping your mouth clean? After all, you use it every day to scrub plaque and bacteria off your teeth, gums, and tongue. That means after a brushing session, the bristles now carry all the germs and residue from your mouth. Unless the harmful substances are properly removed, your toothbrush won’t be as effective at cleaning your teeth. While you should be replacing it every three to four months, here are some ways you can keep it clean in the meantime.

4 Ways to Keep Your Toothbrush Clean

If you’re not sure how to keep your toothbrush clean and effective, here are some tips to help:

Keep an Eye on It

A brand-new toothbrush should always look clean and straight. In fact, it should generally maintain that appearance up until it’s time for a replacement. Keep an eye out for any discoloration, buildup, or matted bristles. If you notice any of those, it’s time to swap out your toothbrush for a new one. To keep it clean, run hot water over the bristles after brushing to dislodge chunks of toothpaste or food.

When In Doubt, Throw It Out

According to the American Dental Association (ADA), you should replace your toothbrush every three to four months – sooner if the bristles are frayed. However, this is a general recommendation and there are some cases where you might need to toss it out sooner. For example, it’s always best to replace after overcoming an illness or a fungal, yeast, or viral infection in the mouth. It’s an easy way to prevent reinfection or passing on lingering bacteria to family members.

Never Share a Toothbrush

The mouth needs a healthy flora of its own bacteria, but it’s not a good idea to introduce bacteria from someone else. That’s why you should never share a toothbrush, even with your own children. To prevent cross-contamination, avoid storing multiple toothbrushes together. It’s best to keep them at least a few inches apart from each other.

Store It in Open Air

Make sure you store your toothbrush in an open-air holder or container! Otherwise, keeping it in a closed area (i.e., drawer or travel case) can promote the growth of mold or bacteria that isn’t natural to your mouth.

How Should You Clean a Toothbrush?

There are several ways you can disinfect your toothbrush in between uses. Here are a few:

  • Run hot water over the bristles before and after each use! It helps eliminate bacteria that collected on the toothbrush in between brushings and after each use. Make sure the water is hot enough to produce steam.
  • Soak your toothbrush in a small cup of antibacterial mouthwash for about two minutes after brushing. Keep in mind that using this technique can wear out your toothbrush faster.
  • Submerge your toothbrush in a denture cleanser for about 90 seconds after brushing your teeth. The solution has antimicrobial ingredients that target bacteria and plaque that grow in your mouth.

Keeping your toothbrush clean is a crucial part of your oral hygiene routine. By following the tips outlined above, you can maintain healthy teeth and gums for years to come!

About the Author

Dr. J. Peter St. Clair completed his education at the Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. He is passionate about helping his patients achieve and maintain their absolute best smiles. Dr. St. Clair strongly believes that good oral hygiene and bi-annual visits go a long way towards maintaining a healthy mouth. For more information on how to keep your toothbrush clean, visit our website or call (978) 948-2030.

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